Overcoming Emotional Neglect
Experiencing Emotional Neglect as a child is prevalent across the world. Neglect's emotional, physical, and energetic effects are carried with us; until we actively heal them.
Questions to ask yourself:
Do you become easily frustrated or annoyed when you're around your parents?
Do you try to escape situations where intense feelings are present?
Do you avoid conflict at all costs?
Do you emotionally shut down or become highly reactive around your family of origin?
Do you rarely ask anyone for help?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you likely experienced some Emotional Neglect when you were a child.
Here are five everyday situations that can trigger the wounds of Emotional Neglect:
Being around your parents, or even talking to or thinking about them
Feeling ignored
Experiencing conflict
Needing help
Being around someone with strong emotions.
You can break free from the chains that bind your energy to the past. You can create a brighter future for yourself and those you love. Embrace the process of healing with compassion and Patience. With time, you will witness the transformation of your wounded heart into one filled with self-love and an awareness of your resilience. Learn from this process and improve yourself for the next generation and those you love and care about.
Here are some steps to help you overcome Emotional Neglect:
Acknowledge Your Feelings
Seek Professional Support
Practice Self-Compassion
Connect with Your Inner Child
Set Boundaries
Mindfulness and Meditation
Surround Yourself with Supportive People
Reparent Yourself
Engage in Creative Outlets
Educate Yourself
Practice Patience
This article is about Emotional Neglect. Please let me know if you would like more support around this topic.
** Be proactive- if you are raising or spending time with children, PLEASE recognize that your phones and technology create a physical barrier to emotional connection. The current generation of young children is experiencing a great deal of Neglect.
When you are with your children, and they are staring at the back of your phone, as you sit across from them, what do you think the messages are that they are receiving from you? Ask yourself what messages they might internalize about themselves and their place in your world. Check-in with yourself. What is more important than them?